Goto Section: 300.9 | 300.10 | Table of Contents
FCC 300.10
Revised as of October 1, 2009
Goto Year:2008 |
§ 400.10 Closeout.
(a) Expiration of the right to incur costs. The right to incur costs
under this part expires on September 30, 2012. The State and its
subgrantees and contractors may not incur costs for Federal
reimbursement past the expiration date.
(b) Final submissions. Within 90 days after the completion of projects
and activities funded under this part, but in no event later than the
expiration date identified in paragraph (a) of this section, each grant
recipient must submit--
(1) A final voucher for the costs incurred. The final voucher
constitutes the final financial reconciliation for the grant award.
(2) A final report to NHTSA, following the procedures of 49 CFR
(c) Disposition of unexpended balances. Any funds that remain
unexpended by the end of fiscal year 2012 shall cease to be available
to the State and shall be returned to the government.
Appendix A to Part 400--Minimum Grant Awards Available to Qualifying States
State name Minimum E-911
grant award
Alabama $686,230.25
Alaska 500,000.00
American Samoa 250,000.00
Arizona 627,067.26
Arkansas 594,060.05
California 2,841,352.77
Colorado 662,637.98
Connecticut 500,000.00
Delaware 500,000.00
District of Columbia 500,000.00
Florida 1,579,728.30
Georgia 1,063,089.13
Guam 250,000.00
Hawaii 500,000.00
Idaho 500,000.00
Illinois 1,343,670.10
Indiana 783,700.36
Iowa 668,545.47
Kansas 770,896.23
Kentucky 584,385.38
Louisiana 511,974.11
Maine 500,000.00
Maryland 500,000.00
Massachusetts 527,000.57
Michigan 1,108,704.89
Minnesota 874,841.32
Mississippi 500,000.00
Missouri 891,711.03
Montana 500,000.00
Northern Mariana Islands 250,000.00
Nebraska 508,655.45
Nevada 500,000.00
New Hampshire 500,000.00
New Jersey 666,876.13
New Mexico 500,000.00
New York 1,603,343.25
North Carolina 971,280.91
North Dakota 500,000.00
Ohio 1,203,583.60
Oklahoma 700,339.78
Oregon 500,000.00
Pennsylvania 1,242,455.97
Puerto Rico 500,000.00
Rhode Island 500,000.00
South Carolina 541,705.79
South Dakota 500,000.00
Tennessee 751,822.46
Texas 2,702,727.44
Utah 500,000.00
Vermont 500,000.00
Virgin Islands 250,000.00
Virginia 758,028.12
Washington 734,176.40
West Virginia 500,000.00
Wisconsin 820,409.48
Wyoming 500,000.00
Total Available E-911 Grant Funds 41,325,000.00
Appendix B to Part 400--Initial Certification for E-911 Grant Applicants
Appendix C to Part 400--Annual Certification for E-911 Grant Recipients
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August 1, 2007 -->
Goto Section: 300.9 | 300.10
Goto Year: 2008 |
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