Goto Section: 13.51 | 13.53

FCC 13.52
Revised as of June 29, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  11.52   EAS code and Attention Signal Monitoring requirements.


   (a) Before January 1, 1998, broadcast stations must be capable to
   receiving the Attention Signal required by Sec. 11.32(a)(9) and emergency
   messages of other broadcast stations during their hours of operation.
   Effective January 1, 1997, all broadcast stations must install and
   operate during their hours of operation, equipment capable of
   receiving and decoding, either automatically or manually, the EAS
   header codes, emergency messages and EOM code. The effective dates for
   cable and wireless cable systems to install and operate EAS equipment
   are set forth in Sec. 11.11.

   Note to paragraph (a): After January 1, 1998, the two-tone Attention
   Signal will not be used to actuate two-tone decoders but will be used
   as an aural alert signal.

   (b) If manual interrupt is used as authorized in Sec. 11.51(j)(2),
   decoders must be located so that operators at their normal duty
   stations at broadcast stations and cable systems and wireless cable
   systems can be alerted immediately when EAS messages are received.

   (c) Broadcast stations and cable systems and wireless cable systems
   that are co-owned and co-located with a combined studio or control
   facility (such as an AM and FM licensed to the same entity and at the
   same location or a cable headend serving more than one system) may
   comply with the EAS monitoring requirements contained in this section
   for the combined station or system with one EAS Decoder. The
   requirements of Sec. 11.33 must be met by the combined facility.

   (d) Broadcast stations and cable systems and wireless cable systems
   must monitor two EAS sources. The monitoring assignments of each
   broadcast station and cable system and wireless cable system are
   specified in the State EAS Plan and FCC Mapbook. They are developed in
   accordance with FCC monitoring priorities.

   (1) If the required EAS sources cannot be received, alternate
   arrangements or a waiver may be obtained by written request to the
   FCC's EAS office. In an emergency, a waiver may be issued over the
   telephone with a follow up letter to confirm temporary or permanent

   (2) Broadcast station and cable system and wireless cable system
   management shall determine which header codes will automatically
   interrupt their programming for State and Local Area emergency
   situations affecting their audiences.

   (e) Broadcast stations and cable systems and wireless cable systems
   are required to interrupt normal programming either automatically or
   manually when they receive an EAS message in which the header code
   contains the Event codes for Emergency Action Notification (EAN),
   Emergency Action Termination (EAT), and Required Monthly Test (RMT)
   for their State or State/county location.

   (1) Automatic interrupt of programming is required when facilities are
   unattended. Automatic operation must provide a permanent record of the
   EAS message that contains at a minimum the following information:
   Originator, Event, Location and valid time period of the message.

   (2) Manual interrupt of programming and transmission of EAS messages
   may be used. EAS messages with the EAN Event code must be transmitted
   immediately and Monthly EAS test messages within 60 minutes. All
   actions must be logged and recorded. Decoders must be programmed for
   the EAN and EAT Event header codes for National level emergencies and
   the RMT and RWT Event header codes for required monthly and weekly
   tests, with the appropriate accompanying State and State/county
   location codes.

   [ 59 FR 67092 , Dec. 28, 1994, as amended at  60 FR 56000 , Nov. 6, 1995;
    63 FR 29665 , June 1, 1998;  67 FR 18510 , Apr. 16, 2002]

Goto Section: 13.51 | 13.53

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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