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Title:Plant Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 2 - June 26, 1961
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Body:Tu&e 26. 1961 - Volurm? 1, Number 2

Wi might as well follow the trend and start this issue with our amiable, affable consult - ing engineer, M. L. BRAMSON, who Is manag- ing to attract public notice at least once a week if not more frequently. He started out with a series of weekly appearances on KQED's flr-..l..a D-r.rr. 1)c.v.Al. +Lr.r CIm aA%.* 41 +ka mm,.,*_ VVUILU FlGD3 XLI1IG&, L.,*+z11 "II I",czY u* &,A= ,A=""-- papers came out with articles about his and Dr. George Harkins' electrocardiac massage machine, the same news item appeared in the June 23 issue of Time Magazine, and their scientific article about it has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Surgical Re- search. What next? His membrane oxygen- ator is in the process of development and should be a great improvement over the pres- ent disc oxygenator. The tiny aortic valve designed by BRAMSON and machined to per- fection by WALTER BRUGMANN is intended to replace permanently damaged valves in heart patients. It will have the advantage of being installed in a matter of a few seconds as opposed to the hour or more required for exlst- ing artificial valves, and we hope that it will function with 100% success which none of the currently available valves do.

_W".`c nmA*.+n n,__ _JT Al__ ¶_____ ___*__l _ I__,* rran SiTUKX I 31x ox we Days renrau a uuaL and went fishing out in the bay. They left after work on Thursday and got back about 9 p.m. Al Beach made the arrangements and Norm Warier, Jack Reed, John Chin, George Seiji and Henry Schuetz made up the rest of the party. It was a typical fishing trip -- tangled lines. . . George and Al managed to tangle their lines and pull them in with a fish on the end, and by the time they got it all sorted out nobody could tell who had caught the fish -- tagged fish.. . Henry got one, so we hope that the bit of information he can give will be worth money to the Fish and Game Commission in Sacramento -- the pool for the biggest one.. . Norm thought that he had it in the bag with a 16 and 17 pounder, but at the last minute Jack pulled in one weighing 18 pounds and won the six dollars -- lost sink- erg... there were many, but in spite of it all everybody had a good time. If anybody else is interested, contaci Al, alid he w-iii iet yaii know when they make up another trip. Every- body is welcome ! Nest time they will prob- ably go after salmon.

Sunday, JULY 30, is the day of the company PI&NIC, so save the date. We' 11 let you know the location when our reservation Is confirmed. Hoti tA*&e)rWHMeN The man in the paneled office on the ground floor of the engineering department is our new electrical engineer, WILSON PRITCHETT. He is an alumnus of Oregon State and was 10 years a professor at U.C. in the electrical engineering department. Mr. Pritchett comes l n ..d knm lfnnnn Tnr utharn hn ha= l-amn L" YP &&"I&. .~."~~, *a.". . . . . u*Y .." ..YY "I".. chief engineer for the past 4 years. He lives in Richmond with his wife, Elaine, and his three children. His son, John, will be a jun- ior at Cal next September as a physics major, David is 16, and daughter, Marni, is 9.

Congratulations to our roller skating custo- dian JACK 0' KEEFE, who was married June 3rd. He and his wife, Karen, chose Laguna as a spot to relax, so they spent a week surfing, swimming, dining, night clubbing, and visiting the historic spots and missions in southern California. They call this relax- ing? They are now It at home" at 211 Buena Vista in Richmond.

DICK SCHIMBOR, son of V, P. Ed, graduated with honors from Cal this June. As a them major he was elected to the Society of Sigma Xi for honor students in science. He has L*-... -..*-....-a*#.a - &A--L#m* 4eIlA..*OL4m +e n-h_ uszsll awalucu a r=abhrrbky ro~survcmrp LV bvir tinue with graduate work next Fall at the U. of Illinois where he plans to work toward a doctorate.

Reporting on the BOWLING TEAM and standby rooting section, George Seiji holds top spot in the League for his high game of 253. He. is top man on our team with an average of 177, and Eric Liske is right behind him with an average of 168 and a high game of 205. Ron Bultena's average is up to 155 and is still improving. With Jack Reed keeping ' things organized and Tom Hale entertaining us, we all look forward to Wednesday night at Lucky Lanes as a real fun time. We have missed Mr. Hallikainen, our most enthus- iastic rooter, but even so, with 3 wins and 3 losses the team holds fifth place in the league and is a real credit to the company. Mr.HALLIKAINEN returned from his European trip June 22nd and reports that all went well. Welcome back !

With the plant vacation coming up, every- : body is looking forward to a much deserved rest. Next month will be vaoatian issue of the paper, so I' 11 be around to find out

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